Weekend Intensive
New Dates Coming Soon!

Clown is an often misunderstood and underestimated form. In reality, the clown is humanity in its most basic form, curious, unable to hide fears, needs and desires. In clown, we pare down and shave away the defenses we have developed over time that prevent us from being vulnerable and appearing ridiculous. Clown is the process of shedding the acquired armor and releasing oneself to joy. Clown shows us how, as a species, we get into trouble – without ever meaning or wanting to. An accidental truthsayer, the clown exposes our hopes, dreams, fears, and virtues, our flaws and our process. Who is the clown? The clown is you.

This workshop is an investigation of the generous expression of breath, embodiment and joy. We will focus on the present moment, playfulness, connecting to the audience, and being available to the unexpected. Through clown will be conducted explorative research to link the personal to the political and vice versa, the outcome being meaningful work that is informative for the viewer and performer at once.

This workshop will culminate with a short presentation of solo, duo, and ensemble work and present it to an invited audience.

Day 1  18:30-21:30
   Introductions and some explaining; circle games and building a sense of ensemble
Day 2  12:00-18:00
   Body awareness; Partner, ensemble and solo work; simple technique and structure; how to           build an act
Day 3  12:00-18:00 with a recital performance from 18:15-19:00
    More games and exercises; deepening the exploration of past two days; turnng exercises into      acts; structuring the recital. 

No previous experience is necessary. All bodies and genders welcome. 

This workshop will be in English

FAQ Infoladen (Neukölln) is Barrierfrei

Cost of the workshop: 300€

a limited amount of discounted spaces are available

Techniques and Games

  • Alexander Technique
  • Lecoq Technique
  • Circle Games
  • Partner Work
  • Ensemble Work
  • Solo Work
  • The Power of Breath
  • Laban Movement Analysis
  • And more!

About the Instructor

Harvey Rabbit is a transgender clown and filmmaker living in Berlin, Germany. He has a Masters of Fine Arts in Experimental Theater and Clowning  degree in  from New College of California and is a graduate of the San Francisco Clown Conservatory.  In 2012, his clown show "ShameNoShame!" pulled him to Berlin, where he performed in nightclubs and circus rings. He went on to produce and moderate a political cabaret called Variety Ridiculous and perform in experimental theater. He has been teaching clowning in Berlin since 2013. He also writes and directs for film, is an intimacy coordinator for film, television and stage and facilitates consent workshops.

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©Harvey Rabbit  Müggelstraße 30   10247 Berlin, Deutschland  +49 176 41830226

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